Frequently Asked Questions

What is the due date for the award nominations?

The third Tuesday in November is the due date for most of the award nominations, including most of the university awards.

Can we nominate the same person for both the College and University identical award?

In those cases where an identical award is given at both the college and the university levels (e.g. Early Achievement in Research), the Awards Committee encourages departments to nominate individuals initially for the College award. Until a person has received the College award, it would be normal to defer nomination of that person for the University award. If a department chooses, an individual can be nominated for the College and University awards simultaneously, but the Awards Committee discourages this practice. In the event that there are no nominees for an award at the University level, the Awards Committee may submit, with departmental approval, the winner of the comparable College award for the University Award.

Is the winning nomination of the college award automatically submitted to the university level of the parallel award?

No.  The department would have the option to choose to nominate the winner of the college award for the university award the following year if they feel that person is their strongest candidate.  If CALS did not receive a submission for the parallel university award, and if the awards committee feels the winner at the college level would be competitive at the university level, the awards committee will ask the nominating department to prepare the packet for submission for the university award.

If a person is in a jointly administered department will the committee consider their nomination for an award if they have already won the parallel award in the sister college?

No.  The CALS awards committee wants to honor as many people as possible, so if a person has already won that award in the other college, they will not be considered for that same award in CALS.

Can a person be submitted to both the college and the university in the merit and P&S categories?

Yes.  The University merit and P&S award nominations are not reviewed by the CALS awards committee but are submitted directly to the Provost's office.  For a list of awards that are submitted directly to the Provost's office, see…

On the CALS award website why do most of the ISU award nominations show a due date in November when the due date on ISU Provost website is in February?

Because those award nominations are reviewed and ranked by the CALS Awards Committee in conjunction with the review of the CALS award nominations (the CALS winners are announced in January). After being ranked, they are submitted to the Provost's office.

How do I submit the nomination packet?

The packet must be submitted via the for award nomination form.

Submit nomination

If we are resubmitting a packet that did not win last year, should we update the packet?

Yes. Please update the cover sheet (and other parts of the packet as needed).  

How do I know if my submission has been received?

There is a link on the submission page called View Your Nominations. Click on that link to view a list of your nominations. You must be logged in to access the link.

Last year someone in our department won at the college level. May we nominate this person for the ISU parallel award this year?

By all means. Winning at the college level will make a stronger nomination packet at the university level.

Does the college forward P&S award nominations to the university?

The College of Agriculture and Life Sciences P&S awards and the ISU P&S awards are not related to each other. The college does not review nominations for ISU P&S awards. All ISU P&S awards are to be submitted directly to the provost office by the nominator. Nominations are accepted and reviewed by the college only for CALS P&S awards.

Our department is jointly administered by CALS and another college. How do we determine eligibility of an employee for a CALS award?

The purpose of these awards is to recognize outstanding CALS employees.  Check the ISU budget book to verify that the majority of an employee's salary is paid from a CALS account.