CALS P&S Outstanding New Professional Award

Award Requirements

NOTE: This award was discontinued in 2023. Beginning in 2024, there is a CALS Staff Early Achievement Award.

Purpose:  To recognize a College of Agriculture and Life Sciences staff member, not engaged in research, who has demonstrated outstanding performance early in their role. 

Eligibility: Professional and scientific or merit staff who have been employed in CALS for less than five years at the time of the nomination deadline. Recipients must be CALS employees at the time of CALS spring awards ceremony.

Number of Awards: One award.

Amount of Award: $500 one-time stipend.

Submission Guidelines:

  1. Submit the CALS award cover sheet. 
  2. Submit a nomination letter no longer than three pages that describes the contributions of the nominee including innovative, creative or original ways in accomplishing job responsibilities, pattern of reliability and responsibility in performing job duties, efforts toward continual personal and professional development, service to Iowa State University and/or community, fostering a spirit of cooperation and interpersonal relationships with fellow employees, and potential for future contributions to Iowa State University and/or community.
  3. Submit two additional letters of support. One of the letters, or the nomination letter, must be from the direct supervisor.
  4. Submit a curriculum vita not to exceed four pages which highlights contributions.